Luckyminer LV06-V2.3.0_upgrade firmware 页面升级固件
Download points: 0
2024-04-03 15:38

Version 2.3.0 Update:

1. Enhanced error detection for mining pools, improving stability and reliability.

2. Upgraded overheating logic for improved performance and safety.

3. Fixed stability issues, ensuring a smoother user experience.


Firmware update takes time. Please ensure a stable network during the upgrade. If the network is lost during the update, it will fail, with a failure rate of around 30%.

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Worked easily


It was an easy guide, thank you


na verdade esta falhando ao atualizar


não tem a opção de carregar o arquivo parece que faz de forma automática agora


Is it possible to roll back the update?

when 2.4.0 firmware planed?


Vraag. kan je met de luckyminer v6 ook in pools zoals 2miners en zo ja hoe doe je dat dan? Ik Ik aagje. VR-een


Hello everyone, thank you for providing the firmware. I have a question about the 2.3.0 firmware. Flashing worked without any problems. Mining in the solo pool also works - now I wanted to make changes to the settings, but the save button cannot be pressed. Does anyone know this? Is there a solution for this?




I found out myself. You have to "inspect" the button (best in Google Chrome) by right-clicking and then displaying the web code. The button is shown as disabled. Just rewrite it to "enabled" and hey presto.

The button works. AxeOS then saves the settings.


Is there a way to add an external antenna to the LV06? Is there a schematic you can post?


in version 2.3.5, the miner was constantly disconnected, I had to go back to version 2.3. Why does the miner turn off all the time? Even after the update, it restarts exactly 2-10 minutes later. It doesn't work smoothly!!!


2.3.5? Where download it? 


How do I upgrade the firmware? Can someone please post step by step instructions. Thanks in advance.


After the update I see AxeOS Recovery what can I do now?


Your www.bin is corrupted or missing.

Flash using factory formware to recover.


How do I do that and what do I need?


Can anyone please upload the the www.bin file ?


The factory did not release the www.bin file


Use the best commission-free binance pool, they already produce pennies, the commission they receive should work on the commission for 1-2 years.


Can you add the www.bin aswell please

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