Luckyminer Management Tool
Download points: 0
2024-02-29 20:21

1. Open the Management Tool

Download the tool file, unzip it. Double click “Lucky_Tools_en V**.exe” to open the tool.

2.Add the IP address where the Luckyminer connected.

3.Scan the Luckyminers (the computer and Luckyminers shoulde be in the same network)

3.1 Scan

3.2 Scanning

3.3 Scan Finished

3.4 Refresh the Luckyminer

3.5 Refresh Finished

4.Configure the Pool

4.1 Click "Cfg Pools", it shows "Pool url and port",but grey and can not be edited.

4.2 Click "CTM." And select "Confirm".

4.3 Configure "Pool url and port", "User"_User name/wallet address,"User suffix" and "User-IP bits"

4.4 Select the Luckyminer's IP

4.5 Click "Configure Selected"

4.6 Click "Confirm"

4.7 Wait for the configure result

4.8 Select "Tool"-> "Machine Reboot"

4.9 Click "Confirm".

4.10 Waiting for the result.

4.11 Refresh again to make sure the configuration is resetted.

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Thanks for this Tool. Runs good. Greetings from Germany


That look good



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