Luckyminer LV06 factory firmware V2.1.0 页面升级固件
Download points: 0
2024-02-03 18:47

Dear All,

This is the Luckyminer LV05,LV06 factory original version firmware_V2.1.0

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This is the .bin file. Just "update firmware" from setting page.

Now there is V2.3.0 version. You can download that one.


Hola, como puedo descargar el factory firmware

  1. Download the .bin file here
  2. Go to the Luckyminer setting page
  3. Select the "Update Firmware", upload the .bin file.

Contact +86 13688384591 for more information.


no puedo descargarlo


Now I have set the "download point" 0, so you can download here for V2.1.0 firmware now.

For V2.3.0 at


Go to "SETTINGS". At the bottom of the window you have "UPDATE FIRMWARE". You select the .bin file to upload


Can you please explain me how to install it?


Sorry for late reply. Just "update firmware" from setting page. This is the .bin file. Now there is V2.3.0 version. You can download this one.


There's no "update firmware" in setting page.

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