Kaspa currency trend chart (9 months/2 months)
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2023-08-11 01:56

With the increasing number of Kaspa-related mining machines being listed, there has been a significant change in the overall network hashrate. We have gathered data on the changing trends of total network hashrate, mining difficulty, block rewards, Kaspa coin price, and mining profitability over the past nine months as well as the last two months of KASPA mining. This data is provided as a reference for your Kaspa mining investment decisions.

From our analysis of the data, we have observed that over the past six months (starting from the block reward reduction in February 2023), the total network hashrate for Kaspa mining has increased by 1276.35%, while the actual profits (in USD) have decreased by 97.23%. However, it is important to note that the overall profitability of Kaspa-related mining machines still remains relatively high. Considering the rapid growth in hashrate and the monthly reduction in block rewards, if you are planning to invest in Kaspa mining machines, timing is of great importance!

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