2023-09-13 10:08
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Case 1: the miner cannot get IP

There are two cases,

1. The new miner cannot get the IP address

   First confirm the DHCP mode of network has been opened, and routers, network cable are normal, and then use the method in the following link to restore factory settings.

   If it is still not working, you need to ship the control board back for repair.

2. After changing the network, the miner cannot get the IP address

   If the mine is set up with a static IP, modifying the IP or restoring factory settings can help to get the new IP, and if not, please refer to 1.


Case 2: the miner power off during the upgrading process

Repower the miner and if it is not working, please refer to the above method.


Case 3: the hash board cannot be detected

If miner can only detect two or three hashboards, replace the miner's control board with good known control board from other miner, and if it still has the same issue, it means hashboard(s) is/are damaged, please ship the item back to us for repair.


Case 4: the miner cannot detect the fan

If the miner can only detect one fan, or no fan can be detected, replace good fans and if it is still not working, replace the miner's control board with the other miner to see if the fan port on the control board is damage, if it has the same issues, please ship the control board back for repair.


Case 5: the miner crashed during the upgrading process

If the miner is stuck in the upgrading page, this may be caused by the browser, and it is recommended to use Firefox or Google Chrome.

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