2024-12-30 08:05

I recently noticed that one of my Lucky Miner LV06 units is not working as it should, everything seems to work fine, the screen works, the fan, it has a correct power consumption and gives hash but after about 10 minutes it restarts several times and returns to the initial configuration screen (lucky_xxxx) I try to enter to reconfigure it and it does not let me access, the same when I try to enter the IP it never loads

Does anyone know what it could be? I was thinking of reflashing it

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  • Is the power supply stable?
  • Did you check the log?
  • IF you want to reconfigure - go away from your regular wifi

In the end I solved the problem by flashing the lucky miner, using the tools provided by miner fixes, it is a bit more complicated than it seems but it worked as it should.

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